What about the game?

in this game you will play the role of an marginalized man, he realizes how corrupt society is as its inhabitants, starting a "Purification" phase by killing every person who according to him has sinned.


(small) Update 5


I recorded some ambient sounds to put on the map City_1 and added a new kind of NPC on the map City_2. I also started Sketching some pictures of structures that appears on the overlay, to make it more realistic. I'll probably add them on the next update.

Update 4


I added the second stage of the game with adding ambience or loading sounds. I also added some NPC mechanics that allow them to run once hit, unfortunately I wasn't able to give them a random path, but a very specific one. Unfortunately further I had to remove the hostile NPC from the first stage due to some coding issues, so I'll try to add a bunch of them in a hypothetical police station (since they are cops).

Update 3


I created the very first stage of the game. I put a still NPC to let the player recognize how to use the commands, and further away I put a hostile NPC, so that I can add a fight to the game. Next I rounded up a bunch of NPCs and spread them out in an area in a pub background. I also put a dialogue string with a "bartender" that allows you to proceed with the mission. I also tried adding a melee secondary weapon.

Update 2


shortly after drawing all the sprites I worked a bit on the first levels, A plain, a pub, and a small town. I also drew the object models WITH the collisions. After that I tried to script something on a low-budget browser engine

Update 1


I don't remember exactly where I started from, but for sure I first drew the sprites, i.e. those of the main character, NPCs, enemies etc...